“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (Proverbs 9:10, NKJV)
Someone explained the difference between wisdom and knowledge in this way, "Knowledge is having information about a thing, wisdom is knowing what to do with that information." I think that about sums it up.
Solomon informs us in this verse that wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. The word fear here means, reverence. To recognize and acknowledge the Holiness and awesomeness of God is the genesis of wisdom.
Solomon is telling us when we reverence and acknowledge God, when we worship Him for who He is, we are on our way to knowing what to do with all the knowledge we have. In other words, all our blessings, achievements, goals and aspirations, begin with God. If we want to have a blessed day, we must begin the day reverencing God.
1. Do take time out every day to acknowledge to glory and holiness of God?
2. Is God the object of your worship and praise?
3. Do you reverence God with you life (actions) as well as with your lips?
Start your day and week off right. Always remember to begin every day acknowledging the glory of God, and worship Him for who He is and Who He is in your life. This is the beginning of your knowing what to do, and how to do what to do, throughout your day. The reverence and worship of God is WHERE WISDOM BEGINS!