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Writer's pictureBishop Gregory M. Fuller


“Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.” (Matthew 5:7, NKJV)

You know, it is always easy to kick somebody when they are already down. We see and hear it so often. When a person whose sin, fault or error has been revealed publicly, rather than the masses rallying together to help and to heal, the majority begin a verbal lynching. I say often when I hear of such things, “we are supposed to bury the dead, we bury our wounded.”

We must never forget what Jesus teaches us about mercy, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Jesus reminds us that those who show mercy will receive mercy. We must all remember that we all have our weaknesses, faults, failures and frailties. Not one of us can afford to kick, laugh at, belittle or beat up on anyone whose weakness has been revealed.

Let us endeavor to show mercy to someone who is in need of mercy. We must all remember, if we want to receive mercy in our time of need, WE MUST BE MERCIFUL.

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