"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise." (Ephesians 5:15, NKJV)

Paul tells us in this verse that we must walk or live our lives circumspectly. The word circumspect means “To be careful.” Therefore, we are encouraged by Paul to live carefully. He admonishes us to watch every step we take, to ensure we are living according to the word and will of God. Every decision we make is to be carefully thought out and prayed about to ensure it is ordained by God.
There are so many roads to take that offer us many choices. Many, if not most, of these roads are merely distractions placed before us to get us off course, with the intent of keeping us from reaching our God given destiny. These detractions look and feel like they are the right things for us. Yet, going down the wrong road always leads us farther away from where we should be, costing us precious time, energy and sometimes money. We must be careful how we walk, knowing that we have an "adversary the devil (who) walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour," (I Peter 1:8). Therefore, we must be careful and cautious to always ask of God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us.
Be careful of your walk. Make sure you do not "lean unto your own understanding," but seek God's guidance and direction for your life. Watch how you walk. In doing so you will avoid the snares and traps of the enemy who seeks to block you from your blessings. Be careful to WALK CIRCUMSPECTLY.