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Writer's picture: Bishop Gregory M. FullerBishop Gregory M. Fuller

"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet." (John 13:14, NKJV)


The Gospel of John chapter thirteen, begins with Jesus, sitting in a room with His disciples, rising from the table, taking a basin of water and a towel and washing the disciples feet. Upon completion of washing their feet, Jesus sits back down and teaches this powerful lesson about servitude, telling them, "What you have seen me do, you do."

The washing of the feet was the duty of the servant of the house, not the master. By washing the disciples feet Jesus teaches all of us that we must not become too proud to serve someone else.

Too many of us view service to others as a duty or a chore. For too many, serving others is seen as beneath them. Yet, rightly understood, to serve someone else is a blessing and a privilege. Think about it, to serve another in his or her time of need is to bless the life of that person in ways that they may never forget. To actually take the time to meet someone where they are in their time of need and to be used by God to lift them from where they are to a place of healing and wholeness is an experience that both you and they will forever cherish.

1. Do you consider yourself a servant to others?

2. Are you one who enjoys blessing others or are you constantly seeking others to aid and help you?

3. Do you know it is a blessing to be able to aid and assist others in their time of need?

Be a gift to someone today. Someone needs a helping hand, a kind word, an encouraging spirit, or just maybe a listening ear. Remember the words of Jesus, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet." Bless someone today. Give THE GIFT OF SERVICE!

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