"I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, . . .” (1 Corinthians 1:4 NKJV)
The Apostle Paul, in this verse, expresses his thanks to God for the grace that God has placed upon the Christians who lived in the city of Corinth. Paul informs them that he thanks God for God's grace that was given to them.
Most define grace in terms of "unmerited favor." The favor of God on one's life that is unearned. Grace is granted without merit. Grace is favor that is "freely given."
Paul informs the church at Corinth that he thanks God for God’s grace upon them. I wonder, have you thought about and thanked God for His grace which was given to you? Many times we focus on our needs, our wants and our troubles, and forget the many blessings God has already given. It is because of God's grace that we are saved, not just from our sins, but from our many circumstances. If you look around, or take a look back over your life, you can see God's unmerited favor all throughout your life. It is because of His grace that we are not consumed.
Take some time today to think about the grace of God on your life. Spend a few moments meditating on how God has favored you in the many situations you have come through. When you do so, you won't allow someone else, like Paul, to thank God for what God has done for you. You will thank God for yourself. Truly no one knows like you know, what the Lord has done for you. Take some time today to THANK GOD FOR HIS GRACE.
