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Writer's pictureBishop Gregory M. Fuller

Set Apart from the Beginning

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified

you . . .” (Jeremiah 1:5, NKJV)

This verse is the Word of God to Jeremiah upon God’s call of him to be a prophet

to the nation of Israel. We see in Jeremiah’s call that he felt strong feelings of low

self-esteem and inadequacy. He responds to the call by telling God, “Lord,

Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.” But God assured him that he is more

than qualified to do what God was calling him to do, because he was “sanctified”

or “set apart from the beginning,” to do just as God directed.

Like Jeremiah, there are many of us who suffer with negative thoughts and feelings

of ourselves. Feelings of inadequacy and low self esteem haunt us every day,

keeping many of us from being who God called and ordained for us to be. Many

people do not experience the abundant life Jesus promised, not because God has

not given it, but because they are too afraid to go after it believing they will not

achieve it or be successful. How many of us do not even think we deserve God’s

best, because of some mistake or mistakes made in our past? Yet, the word of God

for us today is, “You do deserve it.” Not only do you deserved it, “it is yours.” We

are meant to have and do all that God has for us.

You must know whatever dream God has given you for your life, is achievable if

you go after it, be it a degree from college, a promotion on your job, or a call to the

ministry, you can do it if God has called you to it. In fact, God has already put

everything in you that you need to achieve and be prosperous. You were called to

it. You were ordained for it. You were made to do it, because you were SET


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