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Writer's pictureBishop Gregory M. Fuller


. . .buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”(Colossians 2:12, NKJV)


What a powerful truth and revelation to receive. Those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, when Jesus died, we died in Him. He not only died for us, we died in Him. When He was buried, our old selves were buried in Him as well. But when He was raised, we also were “raised with Him.” Praise God, we have been “raised with Him.”

We do not have to live in guilt, fear and shame. We have been raised with Him. We do not have to live powerless. As He was raised with all authority, we too can declare we have authority over the enemy of our souls. When God raised Him up, He raised us up and gave us victory in Him.

1. You should know that because you were RAISED WITH HIM you now can stop thinking low-minded thoughts and rise to be and become what you were born to be.

2. Stop hang out with low-minded people because you have been RAISED WITH HIM.

3. Because you have been RAISED WITH HIM you now can declare you are a new creature in Christ and live out your new resurrected life.

What a blessing. What a victory God won for us in Jesus. What a blessed assurance to know that when He rose, we were RAISED WITH HIM?

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