“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the
shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1, NKJV)
The Psalmist in this verse lets us know that those who live in the “secret place” or,
in continual fellowship with God, will have God’s eternal protection and covering
in their lives. The point of the Psalmist is to get us to understand the importance
and benefit of remaining in continuous communion with God.
To “abide” under God’s shadow requires us to seek Him, commune with Him, and
follow Him every day of our lives. Fellowship and communion with God cannot
be just a once or twice a weak occurrence. This is more than a Sunday morning
event. We must pursue a continual, everlasting fellowship with Him. We must, as
the Psalmist puts it, not just “visit” with Him, but “dwell” or stay with Him. Only
then can we be assured of the divine, abiding protection of His shadow.
Make sure you “stay,” “dwell,” “live” in continual and permanent communion with
God. In doing so, you have the promise of His abiding protection and covering in
and over your life. Make it a priority to live your life, IN THE SECRET