“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord . . .” (Psalm 37:23, NKJV)
This is a wonderfully reassuring verse to those who are walking according to the Word of God. Just to know, as the Psalmist states, that our steps are “ordered by the Lord,” is both comforting and gives us confidence.
The word “ordered” actually means that it is God who “establishes, prepares and provides for” those who are His. This means it is God who directs you, keeps you and provides for you as you are walking or living life according to His will and His way. What a comfort in knowing it is God who guides your way and provides for you as you go your way. All we have to do is to simply allow Him to lead us.
1. Sense it is God who desires to direct, keep and provide for you, doesn’t it make sense to follow Him?
2. One of the most reassuring things one can do is to trust God in everything knowing that He will take care of you.
3. Have you learned to trust God? Lean on Him? Depend on Him?
Let us be faithful to follow God as He guides us. We must know, He only wants the best for us. He wants to lead us and provide for us. And as we allow Him to lead us, let us hold our heads up with confidence in knowing that He is and He will take care of us. Take courage and rejoice, for we are being divinely directed, protected and provided for, because, HE ORDERS OUR STEPS!