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Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.(Luke 9:51, NKJV)


The week of Easter is called the Passion Week in the Christian world. This is the week we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem triumphantly on a donkey while the multitude shouted, “Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” During Passion Week we remember Jesus cleansing the temple. This is the week we remember Jesus sitting with the disciples in the upper room and sharing with them, what has been called, “The last supper.” This is the week we remember Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial, conviction, abuse, crucifixion, death and eventual resurrection. All these things took place during Passion Week because Jesus, “ . . . steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.”

Passion Week is the week we remember Jesus enduring all He endured, but it is not just that He endured. It is that He endured it all for you. He endured it all for me. He endured all He endured, that the world might be saved.

1. Have you ever just sat and thought of all Jesus endured in the last week before His crucifixion?

2. Have you every really taken the time to hear the words He spoke to His disciples about what was about to happen to Him and why He CHOSE to endure it all?

3. Take some time this week and just put yourself in His place and think about how you would feel, knowing this would be the week you would endure such tremendous heart break, rejection, betrayal, abandonment and pain and think about what He must have been going through physically and emotionally.

Now, this week, think about the fact that He did it ALL FOR YOU!

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