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"Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105, NKJV)

The Psalmist in this verse expresses how important the Word of God is in his life. At the time of the Palmist writing, of course, there were no streetlights lighting the roads. Various dangers lurked about in the night, from snakes and poisonous animals, animals of prey, to thieves and robbers. Travelers would wear a kind of ankle device with a small candle in it to light their steps as they walked. The Psalmist tells of how God's Word lights the path of his life, revealing both direction and providing protection.

God's word will do the same for us today if we will just consult it. We must not neglect to read and take the Word with us as we go from day to day. God's Word is there to give us direction, revelation, illumination, encouragement, instruction, correction and protection.

Take the time to get the Word of God in you today. That Word will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your pathway. Every day, make sure you DON'T FORGET TO TAKE YOUR LIGHT.

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12 nov. 2020

Amen Amen Amen

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