“A cheerful heart is a good medicine; But a broken spirit drieth up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22, ASV)

Solomon in this verse wants to remind us of the power of a cheerful or joyous heart or spirit. Persons who work in the medical field have found that those who have a cheerful and joyous disposition recover from sicknesses much faster than those who sulk, complain and are continuously negative. In fact, Solomon reminds us that a broken or downtrodden spirit slowly dries up an individual’s bones. These individuals fade away slowly and miserably.
1. Are you a cheerful person?
2. Does your life bring joy and cheer to others?
3. How long do you let negative thoughts and ideas play in your head and heart?
4. Do you typically speak words of encouragement or words of complaint and negativity?
We all should grab hold of these words and make them our daily confession. When trouble comes and problems arise, fight the temptation to be negative and bitter. Think of the many reasons you have to be thankful and rejoice. Hear the words of Solomon, “a cheerful heart is a good medicine . . .” Take your daily medicine of praise, worship and rejoicing. No matter what the task or the test CHEER UP AND YOU’LL BE WELL!