“The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His
handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1, NKJV)
You know, sometimes when looking for evidence of God’s existence or His
movement in our lives, we tend to expect some kind of magical, mystical,
excitable, even phenomenal experience. We have been led to believe that when
God moves it will always be in some miraculous or earth shaking way.
Yet the Psalmist here in Psalm 19:1 reminds us that if we want to see the glory of
the Lord, all we have to do is look around us. God’s glory is evident in all of
creation. Just listen to the singing of the birds. They declare God’s glory. Take
notice of the gentleness and coolness of a breeze on a very hot day. The breeze
reminds us of God’s glory. Sit by the river or a stream and listen to the calm flow
of the waters movement. The water declares God’s glory. Now think about all the
things you have already gone through. The fact that all of us are still alive today is
a testimony of God’s glory.
Look around you today. Take notice of all the wonderful things God has done.
Pay attention to the “sounds of life” all around you. God is moving. God is
speaking. He is at work, both around you and for you. CAN YOU SEE THE