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By Grace

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8&9 NKJV)

These two verses of Scripture are, in my opinion, two of the most revelatory and liberating verses of scripture in the Bible. Revelatory in that it lets us know how we are saved, "by grace." Grace is the unmerited favor of God through Jesus the Christ. Liberating because it informs us that we don't have to work for our salvation. In fact, there is no amount of work that we can do that can, or has, earned our salvation.

This must be the banner and testimony of every child of God. When Satan attacks you with what you did that was wrong, or what you didn't do that you should have done, let your response be, “BY GRACE I AM SAVED.”

Now, we must understand as well, grace does not give us a license to do wrong. Grace is not a "get out of jail free" card. But rather, the granting of God's grace ought to move us to want to do the right things. As I often say, "I am not saved by my works, but because I am saved, I work." I honor the grace of God in my life by trying my best to live up to the gift of grace in my life. And yet, in many things I fail. But it is because I know I am saved by His grace, I do not allow the enemy to keep me in bondage to my failings.

Receive the revelation today. Be liberated from your past mistakes and failures today. Receive the grace of God with thanksgiving and praise. Acknowledge your acceptance of Jesus the Christ as your savior and declare over your past, "I am not saved by what I do, I am saved by what He did. I am saved, BY GRACE."

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