“Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” (I Corinthians
4:2, NKJV)

Ironically the topic of stewardship is widely spoken of, but poorly understood and
practiced amongst the children of God. When most people speak of and think
about stewardship, the first thought in their mind is normally about money. Yet, as
this verse and the context of the verse inform us, stewardship is about much more
than our money. Paul here tells us we must be faithful stewards of the “mysteries”
or the word and revelation of Jesus the Christ.
We must know that we are to be good stewards of everything God has entrusted to
us. Not to exclude our finances, stewardship is about being faithful in our use and
dealings with our time, our spiritual gifts, our material possessions and even one
another. Yes, we are to be good stewards of words spoken to each other, treatment
of one another and care for one another. Those persons who are in your life are a
gift from God. Therefore, we must be good stewards of how we treat and interact
with them.
We are stewards of all that God gives. As stewards, we are required to be faithful
in our use of all that God gives. Think about what God has put in your life. Think
of all that God has entrusted to you. Think of those who God has placed in your
life. You know, even those who would be your enemies God could use to bless
you. Remember, you are a steward of all that is in your life. And as a steward, it is
required that you BE FOUND FAITHFUL.