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“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:2, NKJV)


Thus far this week my messages have been on the subject of prosperity and wealth. Be assured, it is God’s will that you prosper. All throughout the Bible God makes promises of prosperity to those who would love and obey Him. Like John in this verse, it is my prayer that you prosper and be in good health. Yet, know that true prosperity comes as your soul prospers.

John in this verse lets us know that wealth and health must be matched by the prosperity of the soul. What good would it be to have wealth if you are not wise enough to know how to use it and keep it? You have heard it stated, “A fool and his money are soon parted.” Many people, because of lack of knowledge and understanding, misuse their bodies and find themselves in poor health because of poor decisions. And of course we hear Jesus telling us, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and loose his own soul?”

1. I know you want to prosper, but are you being a good steward of your soul (your heart, mind, intellect and you character)?

2. As you mature as an overall person you will see and can handle wealth and prosperity. Those who refuse to or neglect to mature, lose or never are able to obtain wealth.

3. One is truly prosperous who develops and matures in their soul and spirit so as to have a relationship with God and the knowledge to know how to use what he or she has.

I pray you prosper. I pray you be in good health. But I pray these blessing upon you, AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS.

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