“For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.”
(Psalm 91:11, NKJV)

Psalm 91 is one of my favorite, “go-to” Psalms in times of trouble and attack. This
Psalm declares the promise of God’s protection and deliverance from any and all
attacks, be they physical or spiritual. When I am asked for a scripture of
encouragement and protection, these are the first and sometimes the only verses I
encourage persons to read and declare over their life.
As it relates to verse 11, when I was growing up, I remember the old saints singing
the words of the song, “All night, all day, the angels are watching over me my
Lord.” What an encouraging song. Just to know we have angels watching over us,
“all night and all day” is indeed a source of comfort.
Even more comforting is knowing that it is God who “gives angels charge over”
us. This let’s us know that God has assigned angels to look over and after us.
Angels have a specific duty to watch over, look out for and protect those of us who
are children of God. What a blessing.
As you go through this day, know that God has assigned spiritual forces to look out
for and after you. While you sleep, as you work and study, when all attacks come
your way, angels are looking out for your welfare. You are protected, loved and
being cared for. Therefore, whatever life holds for you today, do not worry.
Rejoice and proclaim your victory and deliverance, because you know the
Thanking God for all he does for everbody thank you Pastor