"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”(Ps 118:24 NKJV)
As is stated in yesterday’s Points to Ponder, we all are dealing with many issues, struggles and difficulties. Individually, domestically, nationally and internationally, we are all faced with many obstacles, challenges and life altering concerns. Yet we must still remember and give God praise because He has allowed us to wake up and live “this day.”
Another day means there are more opportunities, possibilities and opened doors. Therefore we cannot sit around and sulk, be depressed and feel defeated.
1. When you woke this morning did you know and understand that you are blessed? Blessed because God has given you another day.
2. Do you understand that it is the Lord who has made this new day? Since He made the day, He already knows what this day holds for you.
3. Do you also know that He holds both you and the day? You can celebrate because He has ordained everything in this day. Everything that happens He has ordained for your well being, maturity and edification.
4. Do you also know that even if you do not understand all that may happen in this day it is all working for your good?
Even though we are living in difficult times and faced with many challenges, WILL YOU STILL REJOICE?