“ . . . let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us . . .” (Hebrews 12:1, NKJV)

Imagine if you will, waking up every morning and the first thing you do when you rise from your bed is you strap on a one hundred pound (45.3kg) weight to your back. You go into the bathroom with this weight. You bath with it. Dress and cover it. You go to work, school, church, shopping and all other activities with this weight on your back. You become content to live with this weight all our life. This is how many of us are living. Every day carrying an unnecessary weight. The writer of the book of Hebrews admonishes us to not live this way. We need to “lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us.”
Think about it. What is there in your life that is heavy and holding your down? Is there anything or any one that is keeping you from being the person God intended you to be? Is there anything in your life that is hindering you from living at your full potential, achieving your God given goals or reaching your destiny? Is there any sin, bad habit or addiction drawing you in that threatens your witness of Christ? If there is anything like this in your life, these are the things you need to lay aside.
Do not be hindered or held back by something that is unnecessary in your life. Do not let anything or anyone hinder you from reaching your God given and God ordained destiny. Do not let your passions eat at your potential. If there is anything hindering, preventing, threatening or stopping you from being all you can be, heed the words of the writer of this verse, and LAY IT ASIDE.