“Let all that you do be done with love.” (I Corinthians 16:14, NKJV)
This is a wonderful admonition the Apostle Paul gives to Christians, “Let all that
you do be done with love.” Paul tells us love must be the motivation in which
everything we do is done.
Love should be the foundation of everything we do and say. In fact, before we do
or say anything we must ask ourselves the question, “What is my motivation for
this action?” and “Does this that I am about to do/say coming from a place of love
or selfishness?” We know love is not selfish but giving. Whatever we do or say
that comes from selfish motives is not of God and therefore not from love.
Love is sacrificial, caring and peaceful. Love, as the bible says, “does not seek its
own” (I Corinthians 13:5), but seeks the benefit and well being of others. If all our
words were spoken with love, there would be less hurt feelings and insecurities. If
all our actions were done in love, violence and all forms of abuse would be non-
Let us all make a commitment to let love be our motivation for every word spoken
and action taken. As children of the Most High God, we must live in such a way
that we represent who He is. God is love, and therefore all that we do must be
motivated by God, which means being motivated by love. All that we do and say
must be done IN THE NAME OF LOVE.
If possible🙏🙌