“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” (I Corinthians 9:27, NKJV)
The Apostle Paul in this ninth chapter of the book of First Corinthians explains to the Christians at Corinth the importance of living a disciplined life. He uses the example of a runner who trains for a race, who, if not disciplined, will miss the goal and not obtain the prize. So to is the Christian who does not live a disciplined life.
The truth is, many of us struggle in the area of discipline in one way or another. The temptation is to live life thinking only of today, satisfying ourselves with whatever desire we want at the time. Yet, as Paul warns us, we do so at the expense of our future. We tend to eat too much and exercise too little. We stimulate our minds and emotions with ideas and images from television, movies, music and the internet that do nothing to edify our lives. We are negligent in the area of feeding our spirits the things of God. Too many are simply living undisciplined lives.
1. Would you say you are a disciplined person?
2. How much of your time is spent on build and developing your mind, body and spirit?
3. How much time do you spend reading, exercising, praying and time with God?
4. Entertainment is good. Everybody needs a break from time to time. Yet how much of your time is spent on entertainment rather than development?
We must remember, only the disciplined win the prize. Study the daily habits of people you might deem successful and you will see none waste their day doing what does not help them reach their goals. Successful people are disciplined people.
Remember, no goal worth reaching has ever been attained without hard word and discipline. Let us commit to being like Paul, disciplining ourselves and bringing our bodies, thoughts and actions under subjection, that we too, can win the prize. Do you want to win? Do you want to be successful? Do you want to prosper? If your answer to each of these questions is yes, the question then becomes, HOW DISCIPLINED ARE YOU?